Sudur Bichik

The Altai people treasure the legend about the Sudur Bichik, about The Book of Wisdom, a prophetic book and a book of destiny. The story says that those who read the Sudur Bichik can become wise and understand the cause and effect of everything. But sadly, one day the book was lost. The people jokingly said, "A cow has eaten the Sudur Bichik!"...

People have always wondered, what has really happened? And there are more questions: When did it take place? Is the book maybe kept safe somewhere else? Can we find it and understand it today? Will it solve today's issues? But the biggest question is this: What book was that? What was its content?

There is a very special book on earth. Many attempts to eliminate it had no success. In times when it was hidden from the people, there would be wars and dark times for them; when it was accessable and clear to people, times of revival and reformation would come. That book was a teacher and adviser of very different people, namely kings and slaves, presidents and women. It reflects the laws and principles for building and developing all spheres of society, such as family, religion, science, work&business, politics, education, arts, and media.

The "Book of the books", also known as the "Holy Book" or "Holy Scriptures", most commonly named after the Greek name, the Bible (βιβλίο), which means "A Book". It is actually a library of 66 books connected with each other just like the DNA strands of one living being. This book answers the fundamental questions asked by any human being, like: Who am I? Where am I coming from? Where am I going? And, What will happen after I die? Is there a truth and how can I know it? Is there a God and what is he like? How does he relate to people? What is the meaning of life?

From ancient times to the present day, billions of people are and have been using this book as their personal connection with the Creator of the universe. During the last twenty years, many Altaians got interested in getting to know the Bible. Many started to treat it like something more than just a historical and cultural artifact, but a book that has connections with their own story and destiny. Instead of the former antagonism many Altaians started to study the Bible and to discover new things in it. The Bible influences more and more lives in the Altai.

Doesn't the Bible work the same way as the Book of Wisdom in the ancient Altai legend? What revelations and changes might shape life in the Altai Republic, if this process goes on? We are here to see it. We want to see this flow and witness revival and reformation in Altaian society. Each visitor of our website is welcome to be part of this movement!



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